Friday, September 30, 2011
My VERY Comical Day!
Before I begin this story you should know (if you don't already) that my husband and I own and live in a funeral home. We have three small children, 5, 4 and 1 and it's always entertaining at our house!
So I haven't posted in a while because it's been a little crazy around here. So many things going on in my extended family, really getting into our homeschool year and we were at Disney World last week! Well, we are home now and boy, is it as exciting as ever!
Molly woke up yesterday with a low grade fever and said she didn't feel well. She slept for most of the day but never got sick. She got up twice last night in the middle of the night to throw up, although she'd hardly eaten or drunk anything all day. This morning she got up and threw up 2 more times after having only a small amount of Sprite. She did not want to eat and did not want to drink anything. I realized that she had not peed since the night before and it was nearly noon! With this and a few other symptoms I'd seen, I called the doctor's office and the nurse told me to take her up to Champaign. Well, in the midst of me being on the phone with the doctor's office she threw up again and then she peed and she was fine. It was the strangest thing ever. It was like she was a different child, completely back to herself. She had a little to eat and then had a big supper and we played 2 rounds of Memory and 2 rounds of Candy Land before bed.
Back to earlier in the morning, a little before 8am this morning, Andy opened one of our tall cabinets and a Pyrex pie plate came crashing down and busted into a thousand little pieces. I have cabinets and countertops on all four walls of my kitchen and three of them had glass on them... it was everywhere! All over the floor and all over everything.
We got that cleaned up, the kids had breakfast and then Ryan went into his room and was goofing around and smashed his lip when he fell and had a bloody lip - hysterical crying and all! He recovered well after a few minutes.
Then enter Molly's ordeal (above). All the while in the background I can hear the distant gurgling of our toilets. Both of the ones in our house... on both ends of the house. It was a loud gurgle.
While all of this drama is taking place, Andy is trying to prepare for a visitation in our funeral home. It was just a crazy day of insanity. But, it gets better - much better!
As Andy is walking over to the other side of the house I hear a really, really loud gurgle from the toilets...again, that is plural! I go to the toilets and to my surprise, they are both swimming with "stuff" to the very top! We are getting ready to have hundreds of people in our funeral home (which is attached to our house and uses the same plumbing). We have to have functioning toilets. So, Andy starts plunging. Plunge, plunge, plunge. Nothing. Wait.... a little goes down... a little more... so he flushes it! Enter the flooding. My nice light pink bath rug now has wet (brown) toilet water on it. Hmm... Yep, I'm just standing there... what else am I supposed to do?!?! I grabbed some towels and Andy went and called the plumber! Thank goodness he could come right away. The problem is that he had to open up our septic line... during the visitation. I opened the door to talk to him and the smell outside was not good. Yes, at this point the visitation was in full swing. Wait... what's that I hear... a loud gurgle.... the toilets are unstopped and all of that mess went right into my bathtubs. Wow! Seeing that much of "that" in my tub was very unsettling... I am happy to say that my hands are now feeling very dry from all of that Ajax I used in my tub and my tubs have never, ever been cleaner!
I know all of this is amusing to some of you, but I am so glad to say that I made it through this day! On days like this, I was thankful that Molly's sickness is just a bug and not something more serious. I am thankful that Ryan didn't bite right through his mouth when he fell. I am thankful that I have another pie plate. I am thankful that I have 2 toilets in my house and thankful for two bathtubs to fill up with "brown water" and I'm thankful for cleaning supplies I got for little or nothing to clean it up! Some people don't have kids, or have sick kids or watch their kids go through terrible pain. And some people don't have 2 bathrooms or 2 toilets or any toilets at all.
1 Thessalonians 5:1818 Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Well, it's been 21 days since I've posted on this blog. Do you know what that means? That I'm not resting enough and I'm not relying enough on God. It means I'm busy and spending too much time on too many things.
Last night we put our kids to bed at 7:45. As soon as they laid down, I did too. I slept for 11 hours. I honestly do not remember a time that I slept for more than 8 hours! Most nights I get about 6. I was tired.
Spiritually, I do feel like God is teaching me many things. One of which is that He is in control. I might be the one driving the car, but HE is steering the wheel! That sounds simple, but for a thick head like me, it's not. I love being in control of things and knowing what's going to happen at every minute of everyday. Hmmmm.... that just doesn't always work out for me!
What about you? Are you finding physical rest? Spiritual rest? Remember, when God is in control, He does the worrying, thinking and planning! That makes it a little easier for me to rest.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
This Transformer becomes this truck. This is actually one toy, shown twice. |
I love people, I love the world, I love all the wonderful and amazing things that are in this world, but I do not love sin and that is what is in this world. Here's what Romans 12:2 says:
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
That's a lot of "form"ing. So what's the difference between "conforming" and "transform". Read the definitions.
verb /kənˈfôrm/
- Comply with rules, standards, or laws
- - the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations
- - the changes were introduced to conform with international classifications
- Be similar in form or type; agree
- - the countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque
verb /transˈfôrm/
- Make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of
- - lasers have transformed cardiac surgery
- - he wanted to transform himself into a successful businessman
- Undergo such a change
- - an automobile that transformed into a boat
Did you notice that "conforming" is to be similar in form or type or to agree with something. "Transforming" is to undergo such a change like "an automobile that transformed into a boat".
So, we are not to be "like or similar" to everyone else, but to be transformed "like an automobile that transformed into a boat". Kind of like the Transformer movies or toys. They are one thing and become something completely different.
Are you just like all the other cars or are you so different that you've turned into a boat!?!? And why do we do this? That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
I am not perfect and my kids aren't perfect. My family is not perfect and my faith is not perfect. However, I know that when God called us to be His children, that he called us to follow Romans 12:2. Be different! Be the boat... not the car! Be Transformed!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
"The" FREE Gift
Before you watch this video, please note that it is very graphic! Most of these scenes are taken from The Passion of the Christ. This movie was rated R for violence so please don't let your children see it unless you're sure they're old enough.
I know it, you don't have to tell me. I am abundantly blessed. Tonight, on a Wednesday night, I had the wonderful blessing of listening to my pastor preach. I get this blessing three times a week and I really, truly love it. Tonight we went through several passages of Scripture. My favorite was 2 Corinthians 5:21. It says For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
After hearing this Scripture, I instantly thought of the song, Jesus Messiah, by Chris Tomlin and wanted to share it with you.
Here's the thing, I write a lot about deals and FREE things on my other blog. I often forget that I know all about the most important, life changing FREE gift - EVER! The FREE gift of salvation.
The Scripture I listed above says that Jesus, who never sinned became sin for us (He paid the price of our sins) so that the payment could be made for our sins.
You see, God is perfect. He is holy, righteous, the Beginning and the End. He is perfect. Everyone sins and this perfect, holy God cannot be in the presence of sin. Therefore, Jesus died to pay for our sins.
In the Old Testament, a lamb or animal had to be slain and it's blood had to be poured out to pay for our sins. That's why Jesus is often called "The Lamb". Because HE was our sacrifice and He paid for our sins. Isn't that amazing, Jesus, who knew all the sins I'd ever commit, before the beginning of time; He knew it all and He still died for my sins and yours.
I don't know what you've done in life, but I know there's a Savior and His name is Jesus. He died to pay for your sins, ALL of them.
The truth is that God would have been perfectly just and worth of praise if He'd let us all die and go to hell! He's GOD and He's perfect. BUT, He loved us so much that He allowed His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins and pay our punishment.
The way my pastor put it was this: We deserve the all consuming wrath of a righteous God because of our sins and He allowed His Son to be murdered to pay for our sins!
What we have to do, is accept Christ as our Savior. To believe that He died for your sins. To believe that He rose from the dead three days after He died on that cross and that He's in heaven today with Jesus and one day, He's coming back! People, get ready!
If you're interested in this "free" gift, or have more questions, email me ( I'd love to talk to you. More than anything in this world, my purpose is to honor and bring glory to God. I want you to know that He loves you and He has a plan for your life. I would guess that I don't know, personally, more than 10% of you that are reading this post but I care. I know that God is perfect in His timing and maybe He wants you to see this tonight!
Please watch the video. It's awful and beautiful at the same time.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Put the Kitten Down....
This is one of those posts where you can really see my personality. I am soooo over the top silly sometimes and I say goofy things just for a laugh. I hope you know I would never harm a kitten. I'm just saying this because I was trying to think of the most sweet, loving, furry, cuddly thing I could think of.
So often I get busy with life and the day to day activities that come from being a mom to three, blogger, coupon class teacher, helping to run a funeral home, teaching a women's Sunday school class, Awana leader, nursery worker, children's church teacher, soloist, wife, daughter, friend and everything else you can imagine that sometimes I forget about the grace that supposed to be in my home. (just to name a few of the things I've been doing). When we get so tired and so busy, it's easy to be frustrated at our children and husbands, even when they really haven't done anything.
Just last week I reported to a friend of mine that I was in such a foul mood that I could have ripped a kitten's head off. Now seriously, I was teasing. I do not support the harming of any animals, I was just exaggerating and being over the top about my bad mood. But it was pretty bad. I was busy doing 4,000 other things that I neglected to stop and pray and ask God for Him to help me through the day. Instead, I grumbled for a good 24 hours.
Then, I sat down to read for a few minutes. I really never get to read and never take the time to do it. A few weeks ago I ordered a few books and got some really good ones. On this particular day (the day of the poor kitten), I picked up the book The Most Important Place on Earth: What a Christian Home Looks Like and How to Build One. It's a good thing I picked up this book when I did because who knows how much longer I would have gone on in my own misery that I was sharing with others.
This book is all about why our homes should be THE Most Important Place on Earth and why and how they should be DIFFERENT than other homes!
So, I picked up the book and here's what I read. The Most Important Place on Earth is your home! The author says, "Every home, regardless of what's going on inside, might as well have this over the front door (The Most Important Place on Earth). For the children who live in these homes, it's a fact, good or bad: it is the most important place on earth. Sit down over a cup of coffee with any family therapist in the country and usually he will tell you that, for a kid, it's at home - whatever it looks like - where everything in life makes up its mind.
He then talks about why we need to have Christian homes.
In a Christian home there something special. It's called grace. In a grace-filled Christian home, there is salvation. There is forgiveness. There is hope. Genuine happiness. Purpose. This kind of grace affects everything that goes on inside this home. this point, I had to ever so nicely put the kitten's head back on and walk away from my GrouchFest!
Grace? Love? Was I showing any of this? No! Absolutely not! I know, it's hard. I'm not saying there aren't days when it's easy to be grouchy, but instead of allowing myself to get more and more grouchy, I should have stopped and asked God for help. I should have been showing my children love and grace.
I don't know about you. Maybe today is one of those days where you just want to scream at everyone and everything. Just stop what you're doing and ask God for help. Tell Him you need Him so you can show grace and love to your family.
Remember that our homes should be homes of grace, love, forgiveness and happiness. Does your home today feel like the Most Important Place on Earth? Do you realize that everything that goes on in your home is shaping the rest of your children's lives?
Do what I had to do, put the kitten down (remember- I don't really have one, I'm just teasing) and put on a happy face. Ask God to remind you of His perfect grace and love and help you build a home of grace!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Ephesians 5:1-2 Be imitators of God, therefore as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Wow! That's a tall order. Be an imitator of God! To imitate Him? To act like Him? That's not an easy job to do.
In Sunday's sermon, our pastor told us that when the word "therefore" is in the Bible, you better ask yourself, what is it There For? It's something we better pay attention to. This is another one of those things in the Bible that is a command for Christians, not an optional task. The Bible says we are to be "imitators of God" and to "walk in love as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God...". What does that picture look like?
Have you ever wondered what imitating God would look like? What would it look like if we walked in love as Christ loved us? I do believe that means living selflessly, loving endlessly, forgiving, caring, taking on one anothers' burdens and lifting one another up. That's a tall task! How can we do it? I've said it before, if God says to do it, He'll bring you through it. Today, start today. If you're a Christian, try to be an imitator of God. Try to love someone, try to see them the way God sees them, let someone go before you, let someone elses' needs come first.
If you're a wife, love your husband unconditionally today. 1 Peter 3:1-2 says 1 Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, 2 when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. This verse means to live in such a way that your husbands, if they do not believe in Christ, would see Christ through your life and find Him through your actions. If you are married to a Christian husband, encourage him, love him, lift him up in prayer and tell him how important he is to you and how thankful you are for him.
If you're a mom, love those babies and put their needs first, happily, without grumbling. Sometimes I am tired. I am worn out and if one more person asks me for a snack, I'm going to scream! BUT.... today I'm not. I have been trying so hard to be a better servant to my family... and no, I don't mean an actual servant. I mean that I am trying to care for them with a happy heart. It's a privilege and a gift from God to have a husband and wonderful children and I want to love them the way God wants me to. You know, it's a lot of work to coupon shop. It takes a lot of time and a lot of preparation. I have been trying so hard to look at this mundane task as a way to serve my family. Changing another diaper? Well someone has to do it and I am going to be thankful that I have a baby who's diaper needs to be changed. I remember losing a baby and having Molly made me ever so thankful, even for the dirty diapers and long nights.
If you're a co-worker, love them too. Try to imitate Christ at work. How would He act if He were there? I know, Jesus would never work in your office (it's just too awful, right?) but just pretend He would. How would He treat your co-workers? How would He treat your boss? Remember that Jesus loved even the adulterers, the tax collectors (most of which stole unimaginable amounts of money), fisherman, shepherds and every kind of person you can imagine - good and bad.
Whatever you do today and wherever you go, remember to be a example; an imitator of God; to walk in love - just like Christ!
It's a tall order, but you can do it! I always tell people to try couponing, shopping smart, living on a budget, breaking a habit, for just one day and see how it feels. I guarantee you it might not be easy to live "like" Christ, but you will be happy when you have. Please God and following His commands is the greatest feeling in the world!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The 7 Year Old Baby I'll Never Hold
Today, out of the clear blue, it just occurred to me that my first baby would be turning 7 years old this month! 7 years old! I cannot believe it's been that long. I remember finding out we were going to have a baby. I remember the joy that was in my heart.
I was 14 weeks pregnant. It was most likely one of the most awful, horrible turning points in my life. Up to that point, I tried to do everything perfect... living by all the rules. At that point in my life, I was trying to live such a righteous life. I would not speed because breaking the law was sinful. I wouldn't listen to anything but Christian music. I wouldn't do anything I wasn't supposed to do. When we lost our baby, I was angry. I didn't understand and I still don't. Why would God let our baby die? We were going to love and take care of that baby and provide the most loving, Christ-centered home we could. Why?
I went through months of depression, months of anger, months of not understanding. Why is it that I could look around and see people with babies in the store with no clothes on... they deserved that baby? Why did people who were selling drugs have babies? Why did teenagers who didn't want to get pregnant have a baby and I couldn't? It didn't make sense.
The truth is, it still doesn't make sense and I still don't understand. I'm sure I never will, at least on this side of heaven. I learned a lot through that experience. I learned that God doesn't ever tell us that life will be perfect. He doesn't say bad things won't happen. What He does say is, "I'll be with you through the storms of life" and "I will never leave you or forsake you". That's reassuring because I wasn't very nice after we lost our baby. I was grouchy and angry, yet God was big enough to handle me. He knew what I was feeling. I was His child, weeping, crying out to Him and He was there. I tried to distance myself - like a teenager angry at her parent - locking myself in my bedroom. Trying to be as far as I could without completely letting go.
I know there have to be many of you who've had a similar situation. Some of you have lost more than one baby, some have you have lost 5 or 6 or more. I don't understand it, but I want you to know that God does. He's not doing this to punish you or because you're a bad person. He's there holding you. Just fall into His arms and know that one day, if you're a Believer, you'll get to see that baby! I wonder if our baby would have looked more like Andy, dark hair and dark eyes. One day, one day, I'll know. Until then, I cling to the hope we have in Christ. I rest in the freedom I found in Him through the loss of our sweet baby. Today, I no longer feel like I have to listen to Christian music. I listen to it because I love to praise Jesus! I don't feel like I have to do anything to please Him! I want to please Him because of my love for Him, for who He is, because He is my perfect, loving Father who knows the heartaches and joys of His children.
Jesus, I love you. Thank you for holding me through my storms. I thank you for the three beautiful children you've given me in the last 5 years. I pray for those reading this who have lost their sweet babies. I pray that you would comfort them and help them to draw closer to you through their trials. God, please help them to know that you are near.
I was 14 weeks pregnant. It was most likely one of the most awful, horrible turning points in my life. Up to that point, I tried to do everything perfect... living by all the rules. At that point in my life, I was trying to live such a righteous life. I would not speed because breaking the law was sinful. I wouldn't listen to anything but Christian music. I wouldn't do anything I wasn't supposed to do. When we lost our baby, I was angry. I didn't understand and I still don't. Why would God let our baby die? We were going to love and take care of that baby and provide the most loving, Christ-centered home we could. Why?
I went through months of depression, months of anger, months of not understanding. Why is it that I could look around and see people with babies in the store with no clothes on... they deserved that baby? Why did people who were selling drugs have babies? Why did teenagers who didn't want to get pregnant have a baby and I couldn't? It didn't make sense.
The truth is, it still doesn't make sense and I still don't understand. I'm sure I never will, at least on this side of heaven. I learned a lot through that experience. I learned that God doesn't ever tell us that life will be perfect. He doesn't say bad things won't happen. What He does say is, "I'll be with you through the storms of life" and "I will never leave you or forsake you". That's reassuring because I wasn't very nice after we lost our baby. I was grouchy and angry, yet God was big enough to handle me. He knew what I was feeling. I was His child, weeping, crying out to Him and He was there. I tried to distance myself - like a teenager angry at her parent - locking myself in my bedroom. Trying to be as far as I could without completely letting go.
I know there have to be many of you who've had a similar situation. Some of you have lost more than one baby, some have you have lost 5 or 6 or more. I don't understand it, but I want you to know that God does. He's not doing this to punish you or because you're a bad person. He's there holding you. Just fall into His arms and know that one day, if you're a Believer, you'll get to see that baby! I wonder if our baby would have looked more like Andy, dark hair and dark eyes. One day, one day, I'll know. Until then, I cling to the hope we have in Christ. I rest in the freedom I found in Him through the loss of our sweet baby. Today, I no longer feel like I have to listen to Christian music. I listen to it because I love to praise Jesus! I don't feel like I have to do anything to please Him! I want to please Him because of my love for Him, for who He is, because He is my perfect, loving Father who knows the heartaches and joys of His children.
Jesus, I love you. Thank you for holding me through my storms. I thank you for the three beautiful children you've given me in the last 5 years. I pray for those reading this who have lost their sweet babies. I pray that you would comfort them and help them to draw closer to you through their trials. God, please help them to know that you are near.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Moms On A Mission!
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. - Deuteronomy 6:7
I will admit it, I am a very "black and white" person. There is very little grey in this world of mine. Things are supposed to be one way or the other. There are very few times when I find "excuses" acceptable. I know, that sounds so harsh, doesn't it? The truth is though, that sometimes we need to be reminded of this when it comes to the Bible.
The Bible is not grey. It's black and white. It's the most perfect book, instructing us how to live and carry out our lives in this crazy world.
I've been reading more from A Mom After God's Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children. I love this book. It's reminding me of something I've said over and over in my life. If God or the Bible tells you to do something, then do it. It's not a suggestion. It's a command.
Wouldn't it be nice if being kind to someone who was rude to you was optional? Wouldn't it feel good to get the vengeance yourself when someone wrongs you? But the Bible says that we are to turn the other cheek and that the vengeance belongs to the Lord. These "rules" are not optional. When the Bible says "Go and make disciples", it doesn't say "If you feel like it today and you can squeeze it in your schedule mention my name to someone". It says GO and TELL!
So, here's something I read this morning from A Mom After God's Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children.
"As a mom, there is no one you love more on this earth than your children. And teaching your children about God and His ways is not optional. God is assigning and authorizing you to teach His Word to your children steadily and purposefully, all day long, everyday at home... and everywhere else. You're a mom on a mission! Therefore, instructing those you love most in the things of the God you love supremely should be - or become - a passion and a pleasure."
There you have it. It's not optional. We are teach our children about the things of God. Maybe it's hard for you. Maybe you don't feel like you know enough yourself. Maybe your children are older and you think they're going to look at you like you're crazy. Well, the good news is, if God tells you to do it, He's going to help you through it! He is perfect in His wisdom so therefore, you can ask Him and He will guide you.
To finish off, here's a poem that I found in the book as well and wanted to share with you.
Whatever you write on the heart of a child
No water can wash away.
the sand may be shifted when billows are wild
And the efforts of time may decay.
Some stories may perish, some songs be forgot
But this graven record - time changes it not.
Whatever you write on the heart of a child...
Will linger unchangeably there.
Start today. If you haven't before, just tell your child that Jesus loves them! That's a great way to begin! That's the good news everyone needs to hear! And don't forget, we are moms on a mission!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
There's a long train of thought that goes into how I got to this point... but I won't bore you with that. I just got to thinking about heaven and all the people we'll meet when we get there. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, all these amazing saints. Then I started thinking about all these amazing people in the Bible like Moses and David and it occurred to me that maybe I needed to write to let you know something.
Did you know that Moses, who floated down the river in a basket to the Pharaoh's daughter, Moses who God spoke to in the burning bush, Moses, who led the people out of Egypt, Moses, who received the 10 Commandments on Mt. Sinai... did you know he was a murderer?
Exodus 2:14
The man said, “Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid and thought, “What I did must have become known.”
Did you know that David, who fought and won against Goliath, David, who was Johnathan's best friend, David, who was the great Psalmist, David, the king, was an adulterer?
Psalm 51:1
When the prophet Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.
I'm not telling you these things today because I want to point out the flaws of these great men. I'm telling you these things as a reminder that God can use YOU! He can use anyone for that matter. These men did some pretty bad things, but they were forgiven and used in amazing ways by God. And, God can use you, no matter what you've done or where you've been. I just want you to know that you cannot do anything that is too big for God to forgive!
The Bible says in Psalm 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. We just have to ask.
Aren't you thankful for that today? God is perfect, and He forgives!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Are Your Children Being Impressed?

God laid this on my heart today and I've been thinking over it. This weekend has been very fun and very busy, but still, as I come home from all the chaos, I am reminded of this verse:
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 5:6-7
This week I'm going to try to focus on the "Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up".
This week, how can I and how can you impress on the hearts of our children to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength?"
They learn from watching us. They see us. They see how we serve others. They see our love for Jesus. They see our desire to be in church. They see the way we live.
Each day at breakfast this week, we're going to talk about how to love Jesus more and I challenge you to try this too.
To see more posts from this Misty, click HERE to go to the True Rest home page.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Intentional, Deliberate, Precise Prayers for Our Children! Are you praying for their future?
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Adriane and Me (I think I was pregnant with Katie and she was pregnant with Evie) |
Here lately I've been thinking a lot about my kids. I get so tired and so stressed and I have days where I feel like all I do is yell at them. Don't jump off of that; Don't hit your sister; Don't talk to me that way; No, you cannot have another snack! Do you know what I'm talking about?
For the last several days I've been trying my hardest to be more patient with them, to listen more to them, to spend more time with them and to spend more time praying for them.
Do you pray earnestly for your children? Do you pray with intentional prayers? I have been thinking about and praying for my kids and their futures since before they were born. Who will they marry? What will they become? God knew them before they were ever conceived. He knows what their futures will be, but I don't. As their mother, all I can do is pray that God's will would be done in their lives. I have always prayed for my children and prayed for their salvation and prayed for their future mates. However, I found something today I wanted to share with you.
I have this friend. Her name is Adriane. She is a wonderful, godly, wife to Matthew and mother to 7 boys and 1 sweet girl! (And a wonderful friend.) Several years ago, Adriane and I exchanged prayer lists so we could pray for each other's requests. Today I was cleaning out a drawer and I found Adriane's prayer list. As I read it, I got teary. There's a whole section of prayer requests for her children. I want to share this with you because I want you to pray for your children like this, too. It's intentional, it's deliberate and it's precise. These are the the ways we prayed for her children:
- For their salvation and that they would love the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul.
- That they would be free from addictions of any kind.
- That they would be kept physically safe from anyone who tried to harm them.
- That they would be pure.
- That they would have strong marriages and that none of them would have to suffer the pain of divorce.
- That they and their spouses would be pure and holy.
- That they would be willing to die for their faith, but never have to.
- That they would have safety and good health
- That they would love their neighbors as themselves.
- That every child and generation that comes from her womb would be saved.
- That they would collectively reach millions for Christ.
Friday, June 10, 2011
The Circus I Made
This is me... I'm going to wear down soon and just fall over wherever I'm at! |
I don't know why I do this to myself. Why do I make my life like a circus? Here's what this week entailed:
- Blogging for 35+ hours.
- Taking care of 3 children who may or may not have been sick still.. puking was involved.
- Desktop computer crashed.
- Because the computer crashed we lost our very expensive software for the funeral home.
- Ordered new software and spent quite a while on the phone with the company installing it.
- Because of the computer crash, have had to manually make all of our funeral folders which takes a long time.
- Vacation Bible School: Music, Missions and helping with 5th and 6th graders. Driving 30 miles to church and 30 miles home from church every night after VBS. Because of other circumstances also spent most of the day there on Saturday and Sunday.
- Relay for Life is this Saturday so we had an early morning meeting this week and I've been emailing and calling and getting as many things ready as I can.
- Working on the church clean up flyers... we need people there to help.
- We have been sooo busy at the funeral home. I am not complaining because that's how we afford to live, just unusually busy.
- It's only Friday. The actual Relay for Life is tomorrow night from 6am to 6pm
- Get up on Sunday after having no sleep, take shower, teach Women's Sunday school class and then have VBS Family Day. Work in the nursery on Sunday night.
Have you ever heard someone say, "It's okay to say, No!"? I have heard it, I guess I just don't listen well.
I was having some quiet time this morning and read in a book "Start Saying No". It said that God's Word empower us when we read it and it gives us strength, but sometimes we have to say no to things.
I am not called to be Super Mom, Super Wife or Super Christian. I am not called to be the person who does everything while other sit and watch. I am not called to run this circus I've created. I am called to do my BEST in what God has called me to be and do and to do my best in the time He has given me. Sometimes we get so busy serving Him and serving others that we forget to find rest in Him! I am tired and I am weary. I am going to try soooo hard next week to find rest in Him! Maybe you're tired too. If so, I hope you'll join me next week in rest! I think we need it. Next week, I'm going to let God be the ringmaster instead of trying to do so much in my own strength! Consider this verse as you think about resting.
Psalm 116:6-8
New King James Version (NKJV)
6 The LORD preserves the simple;
I was brought low, and He saved me.
7 Return to your rest, O my soul,
For the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.
8 For You have delivered my soul from death,
My eyes from tears,
And my feet from falling.
FREE eBook: Parenting with Confidence by Dr. James Dobson
Click HERE to get a FREE eBook, Parenting with Confidence by Dr. James Dobson. I am looking forward to reading this!
Thanks, Happy Deal, Happy Day!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A Mom After God's Own Heart - 10 Ways to Love Your Children
Summer reading! I decided this summer that I'm going to try to read every day, even if it's just for a few minutes. Reading is good for your mind and as long as it's the right kind of book, it's good for your heart!
If you follow one of my other blogs, namely The Frugal Family, I wrote that I was going to read A Mom After God's Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children (George, Elizabeth (Insp))
I hope as we start to read this book together, that God teaches us more about loving our children and desiring to have a heart just like God's. I love my children soooo much, but I can be a better parent to them by following God closely and desiring a heart like His.
True Rest
Wow! What am I doing? Starting another blog? How restful is that??? LOL! I know, I am not one who finds rest easily, but I'm learning. After years and years of running on empty, I'm nearly there. I am tired, weary and drained. Have you ever felt that way? I have this desire to fill up. It's kind of like when you're parched... so thirsty you can't stand it! You desire refreshment! That's how I have been feeling. I need to be refreshed! I need rest. True Rest!
When I say True Rest, I'm not talking about a nap. I mean that I need to learn to rest in the Lord. Matthew 11:29 says, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Boy, do I need that. I get too busy. Busy with life, busy with blogging, busy with church, busy with kids and home and family and everything else. I sometimes forget what it's like to rest. To truly rest, in Jesus.
If you're one of my readers on The Frugal Family, this blog will be very different. I'll post occasionally, no need to make myself tired, right? I plan to post when I feel God has laid something on my heart to share or when I've read a great passage of Scripture I want you to hear.
I hope you all enjoy this blog. I am looking forward to sharing the True Rest with you that comes from Jesus!
When I say True Rest, I'm not talking about a nap. I mean that I need to learn to rest in the Lord. Matthew 11:29 says, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Boy, do I need that. I get too busy. Busy with life, busy with blogging, busy with church, busy with kids and home and family and everything else. I sometimes forget what it's like to rest. To truly rest, in Jesus.
If you're one of my readers on The Frugal Family, this blog will be very different. I'll post occasionally, no need to make myself tired, right? I plan to post when I feel God has laid something on my heart to share or when I've read a great passage of Scripture I want you to hear.
I hope you all enjoy this blog. I am looking forward to sharing the True Rest with you that comes from Jesus!
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