Monday, June 27, 2011

Moms On A Mission!

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Proverbs 3:3

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. - Deuteronomy 6:7

I will admit it, I am a very "black and white" person.  There is very little grey in this world of mine.  Things are supposed to be one way or the other.  There are very few times when I find "excuses" acceptable.  I know, that sounds so harsh, doesn't it?  The truth is though, that sometimes we need to be reminded of this when it comes to the Bible.

The Bible is not grey.  It's black and white.  It's the most perfect book, instructing us how to live and carry out our lives in this crazy world. 

I've been reading more from A Mom After God's Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children.  I love this book.  It's reminding me of something I've said over and over in my life.  If God or the Bible tells you to do something, then do it.  It's not a suggestion.  It's a command.

Wouldn't it be nice if being kind to someone who was rude to you was optional?  Wouldn't it feel good to get the vengeance yourself when someone wrongs you?  But the Bible says that we are to turn the other cheek and that the vengeance belongs to the Lord.  These "rules" are not optional.  When the Bible says "Go and make disciples", it doesn't say "If you feel like it today and you can squeeze it in your schedule mention my name to someone".  It says GO and TELL! 

So, here's something I read this morning from  A Mom After God's Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children.

"As a mom, there is no one you love more on this earth than your children.  And teaching your children about God and His ways is not optional.  God is assigning and authorizing you to teach His Word to your children steadily and purposefully, all day long, everyday at home... and everywhere else.  You're a mom on a mission!  Therefore, instructing those you love most in the things of the God you love supremely should be - or become - a passion and a pleasure."

There you have it.  It's not optional.  We are teach our children about the things of God.  Maybe it's hard for you.  Maybe you don't feel like you know enough yourself.  Maybe your children are older and you think they're going to look at you like you're crazy.  Well, the good news is, if God tells you to do it, He's going to help you through it!  He is perfect in His wisdom so therefore, you can ask Him and He will guide you. 

To finish off, here's a poem that I found in the book as well and wanted to share with you.

Whatever you write on the heart of a child
No water can wash away.
the sand may be shifted when billows are wild
And the efforts of time may decay.

Some stories may perish, some songs be forgot
But this graven record - time changes it not.
Whatever you write on the heart of a child...
Will linger unchangeably there. 

Start today.  If you haven't before, just tell your child that Jesus loves them!  That's a great way to begin!  That's the good news everyone needs to hear!  And don't forget, we are moms on a mission!

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