Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Well, it's been 21 days since I've posted on this blog. Do you know what that means? That I'm not resting enough and I'm not relying enough on God. It means I'm busy and spending too much time on too many things.

Last night we put our kids to bed at 7:45. As soon as they laid down, I did too. I slept for 11 hours. I honestly do not remember a time that I slept for more than 8 hours! Most nights I get about 6. I was tired.

Spiritually, I do feel like God is teaching me many things. One of which is that He is in control. I might be the one driving the car, but HE is steering the wheel! That sounds simple, but for a thick head like me, it's not. I love being in control of things and knowing what's going to happen at every minute of everyday. Hmmmm.... that just doesn't always work out for me!

What about you? Are you finding physical rest? Spiritual rest? Remember, when God is in control, He does the worrying, thinking and planning! That makes it a little easier for me to rest.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


This Transformer becomes this truck.  This is actually one toy, shown twice.
I started this post on a totally different subject and came about this the long way, but this is what I think I'm supposed to share. 

I love people, I love the world, I love all the wonderful and amazing things that are in this world, but I do not love sin and that is what is in this world.  Here's what Romans 12:2 says:

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

That's a lot of "form"ing.  So what's the difference between "conforming" and "transform".  Read the definitions. 


verb /kənˈfôrm/ 
  1. Comply with rules, standards, or laws
    • - the kitchen does not conform to hygiene regulations
    • - the changes were introduced to conform with international classifications
  2. Be similar in form or type; agree
    • - the countryside should conform to a certain idea of the picturesque

verb /transˈfôrm/ 
  1. Make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of
    • - lasers have transformed cardiac surgery
    • - he wanted to transform himself into a successful businessman
  2. Undergo such a change
    • - an automobile that transformed into a boat

Did you notice that "conforming" is to be similar in form or type or to agree with something.  "Transforming" is to undergo such a change like "an automobile that transformed into a boat".

So, we are not to be "like or similar" to everyone else, but to be transformed "like an automobile that transformed into a boat".  Kind of like the Transformer movies or toys.  They are one thing and become something completely different. 

Are you just like all the other cars or are you so different that you've turned into a boat!?!?  And why do we do this? That you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

I am not perfect and my kids aren't perfect.  My family is not perfect and my faith is not perfect.  However, I know that when God called us to be His children, that he called us to follow Romans 12:2.  Be different!  Be the boat... not the car!  Be Transformed!